This makes sense. No analogy is perfect, but the analogy to cults or, at least more generally, to BITE mechanisms, is useful. I agree that there is only so much control the internet can have over individuals' behavior, and suspect that the information, thought and emotion control will be a lot higher on the BITE scale for gender ideology and the trans movement than behavior. Even putting incidents such as you described with Limpida aside, the general movement toward applauding anything that means young people will medically alter their bodies to achieve some idealized version of themselves is very controlling. It does not have a charismatic leader, or any leader. It doesn't need one. It's group think, plain and simple. There is no need for a paranoid claim that this is all a plot. It's not. It's just something that is feeding upon itself. As it grows, this movement is exerting control over young people's minds - and the minds of adults who should know better, like our own President, who I have no doubt, thinks he is protecting and doing good things for young people. And one of this movement's worst qualities is how it has a built-in ability to reject dissent. Anything that doesn't agree with the movement is automatically considered "transphobic," given no credence, and cast aside. How then will this movement ever stop growing? This remains to be seen. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of these complex issues. It may be through detransitioners such as yourself that this movement to eventually come to a halt. The horror that future generations will feel when the hear about what is happening makes me shudder.

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Thoughtful comment, and a fascinating article. The stories and analysis of ex-"devotees" are always so powerful, informed by having been there.

How this will end, I don't know - but Helena's clear, intelligent voice will help us get there.

And maybe a bit of satire too to burst the social justice warrior bubble:


Very much looking forward to the next three instalments in this series.

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Hi Helena,

Sorry to post a comment (I chose one of your articles with the least comments - so this could "fly under the rader" and maybe this will be read just to you - and then you can delete it??) - I accidentally signed up for an annual subscription ($70) via my phone app (I'm 60 & my fumbling fingers F'd it up) and my subscription was immediately confirmed/paid, with no way of seeking a refund. Could you PLEASE issue me a refund of this annual subscription! Thanks & sorry to post this request here - but I can't find any other way to reach out to request this??

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